Freeman Marine shares photo of support

Freeman Marine shares photo of supportFreeman alum, Derek Smith, was hit by the tragedy that struck on Wednesday but couldn't be there for his Freeman family because he has been stationed in Twentynine Palms, California as a Marine.

Smith graduated back in 2015, but with his sister still at the high school, he still wanted to show his support, "I was felt like I needed to be there for my sister and my fellow Freeman family. But, duty called so I wasn't able to make it home. My main goal was to show the community that if I were there I'd do anything to help. I've had some of my marines today come up to me and ask how to donate as well."

Smith is unable to come home until Christmas time but is already planning on making a stop by his old high school to show his love, this time in person.

(story: Katie Karl, Content Coordinator,; photo: Derek Smith)

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